Saturday, September 22, 2012

Been awhile

It's been awhile since I posted. My legs have changed for the worse. The doctor said about a year ago I might end up back in a wheelchair and I think the time has come. I can not stand for more then a half hour. This week I was at office depot getting some pieces scanned and ready to go into this shop in town for sale. I stood for over two hours. Went home in terrible pain. The next day my hubby and I were car shopping and the same thing happened. Since then I can hardly get out of bed. So I think the time has come that for going out I need to be in the chair. I feel somewhat defeated as years ago after my motorcycle accident I fought hard to get out of that chair! Life happens and sometimes we just have to give in to the worst and hope for the best.

anywho I did complete this painting last weekend but haven't been on the computer to post it. 

She was created with Acrylics and Watercolor Crayons on Hot Press Poster Board

I'm going to be opening up an Etsy Shop real soon where prints can be bought as well as the originals
of my work. 

Hey!! Thanks for stopping by

1 comment:

  1. This girl is simply stunning! I am sorry you have been in pain with your legs and hope you feel better soon


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