Monday, July 4, 2011

We have hot water!! wooohoo

Well after a month of no hot water as we didn't have a hot water heater that worked we finally have one!! My hubby and his brother put in a hot water heater today and the first thing I did was go soak in the tub for about an hour!! OMG!! don't ever take hot water for granted. Karma will bite you in the ass and you will be without!! ROFL!! I'm a happy camper today!

I worked on this Bee's Wax Collage today whilest they were working on the heater. It's for the 4th. of July.. Happy 4th. everyone!

The Shop is Open! the Shop is Open..

Isn't that what Paul Revere said???

Well anywho the shop has reopened

and we have the Vagabond Machine on sale

for a ridicules price

You have to be a member of our Yahoo Group to View the Prices

and Shop as we are a Discount Club.

Head on over to the club and tell them Robyn sent ya.

Hey everyone I have Hot Water!! woooohooo!!

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