Saturday, December 17, 2011

In another Class

I'm currently taking Suzi Blu's class on Portraits and I love it!! She works with Prisma Color Pencils.. I keep wanting to use my water color crayons because that is what I'm used to . but I'm making myself stay away from them and use the prisma color pencils and acrylics. Acrylics and me don't get along too well so this is quite a challenge. With the water color crayons their forgiving and you can change something if you work quickly. The other mediums what you do is what you get. LOL Especially when you put a layer of Clear Gesso down. It's clear but not smooth. more like sand paper. Suzi uses the clear gesso for texture. I used a tiny bit on this but will learn to use more I'm sure.

I'm on the third part of the lessons but need to go back as she has other homework I didn't do.. My dog ate it!! LMAO!! j/k!

This class is really good and quite a compliment to Tam's Workshops I took. I'm so glad I took those as I know a little bit about portraits already.

Hey!! Thanks for Looking!!


  1. This may not be ypur preferred medium, but these are lovely. Brave to even attempt and keep on going. xox Corrine

  2. Those classes seem really useful!! I was thinking about taking them, too. Your portraits are amazing!

  3. Love your art work and style ~ thanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy AIBL ^_^

  4. Love these portraits....keep at it!
    I just came across your blog via "artists in blogland"...I love you work and hope to see more! I will be following!
    Happy Holidays-Jennifer

  5. These are awesome Robyn! Love the eyes, butterflies, everything...


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