wow a whole week has gone by since I posted to my blog. We have moved and now the real work has started. Unpacking!! My new/old house is wall to wall boxes and we have been working all weekend on it. My studio is basically unpacked but three boxes are missing. My Albums, My Blank Canvas's and my Done Projects for Swaps. My DH (duh Hubby) most likely put them in the garage with a thousand other boxes and I'll find them at Christmas. I have to find the projects that are finished for Yahoo Group swaps or I'm in deep doo doo.
anywho I worked on this Tag for Grungy Monday as I was taking a break yesterday.. I'm not sure if I like how it came out. It's quite dark and not Shabby Chic at all as the technique from Tim Holtz calls for. Speaking about Tim, check out his blog for some fabulous techniques and what's up and coming from him..
so anywho again as I said about (look above) this tag is for Studio L3 Grungy Monday..

I used Three Dabbers one blue and two browns but the brown kind of over took the poor blue.
I also used a different kind of clear embossing powder. It's for deep etching.
It has a little bit of bling on it when you emboss with it..
and I used my small rosette die again from Tim Holz
cut them in half to make like an old fashioned banner..
This was a new technique to me and it was a lot of fun to do..
Hey!! Thanks for looking